Clearing out of TA without COVID hassles

February 17, 2021

Many non-EU flagged yachts in the Mediterranean complete an 18-monthly ‘VAT dash’ to Algeria, to clear out of the EU zone ahead of their TA deadline. This year, the clearance dash has been complicated by restricted movements of both yachts and crew, while UK-flagged vessels are having to plan around this for the first time.

We have been advising clients to ‘clear out’ in Melilla instead. This can mean a longer sailing, but the extra time and fuel consumed is offset by the lack of any PCR testing and/or quarantine requirement if coming from and returning to other Spanish ports.

Melilla is Spanish territory, obviating the need to complete immigration clearance. Upon arrival, authorities in Melilla will provide a recognised Customs Authorities Certificate, while captains can be sure that there are no unexpected ‘shake-downs’ or on-board inspections. Fees are transparent, while security and port facilities are of the highest standard. Local fuel tax is rated below the cost of VAT, while pump prices are among the lowest in the Med.

Merlilla’s port has a commercial dock of 240 meters, suitable for yachts of any length, as well as space to moor 15 yachts of up to 50 meters, with a depth of 12m.

Melilla is part of the EU, but not of the Customs Territory of the Union (TAU) or the Territory of VAT application (TAIVA), making it a useful point in the exit of TAU, for the purpose of finalising ‘Temporary Admission’ (RIT) and the Inward Processing Regime (RPA). Neither is it part of the Territory of Application of Special Taxes (TAIIEE), making it advantageous for tax-free refuelling and provisioning before entering or after exiting the TAU.

To find out more, or to obtain a clearance/fuel proposal, please email