April 29th & 30th (these events are now past)

On the occasion of the Palma Boat Show, ESTELA is pleased to invite you to two free breakfast seminars on Friday 29th April and Saturday 30 April.
Join us for a pre-Show breakfast and listen to a panel discussion on topics captains and crew tell us they want to hear about. Each morning we will be joined by a panel of industry experts, sharing their insight and giving you the chance to put your questions to them.
Friday, 29th April 08:30-10:00h
Cruising the Med in 2022; Stamping On/Off, Chartering and VAT, Rules & Regs Updates
- John Wyborn – Bluewater (President MYBA) – France
- Alex Chumillas – Tax Marine, Spain
- Andrea Farinaceo – Argentario Yacht Services, Italy
- TBC, Croatia/Greece
Saturday, 30th April 08:30-10:00h
Repercussions of UBO sanctions on yacht ownership structures; KYC regulations, the role of flag states
- Anthony Galea – Vistra – Malta
- Sebastián Díaz Ribes – Bufete Díaz y Asociados – Spain
- Ian Petts – Equiom Group – Monaco
The venue is directly next to the Moll Vell entrance (details provided upon registration), so this the perfect opportunity to meet up with colleagues and friends before starting your day. To register, please complete the form below. You are welcome to attend one or both days and all we ask is that you notify us in advance if you are unable to attend. Places are limited, so a no-show would deny someone else the ability to attend.
We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you soon!
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