On the occasion of the Palma Superyacht Show, ESTELA is pleased to invite you to a
series of free breakfast seminars on Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning.
Come and join us for a pre-Show breakfast and listen to panel discussions on topics that we are regularly asked about by captains and crew. Not only are these events designed as a great way to start the day and meet up with friends and colleagues, but hopefully the conversation will be informative too!
These seminars are invitation-only and guests must register* via the dedicated Eventbrite page for each event.
Captains’ Breakfast Seminar
Friday, 4th June, 09:00-10:30h
Chartering in Spain, VAT, Temporary Admission and TPAMiguel Angel Serra, Partner, Albors Galiano Portales SLP
Alex Chumillas Amat, Director, Tax Marine & Aviation Spain SL
Luis Ayala Navarro, Director, Autoridad Portuaria de Melilla
Cristina Martinez, Yacht Projects SL
Book your place here: http://bit.ly/estelacaptainsbreakfast1
Captains’ Breakfast Seminar
Saturday 5th June, 09:00-10:30h
Brexit effect on tax, licensing, certification, importation and immigration
Miguel Angel Serra, Albors Galiano Portales SLP
Alex Chumillas Amat, Tax Marine & Aviation Spain SL
Jaime Moranta, Agencia Moranta SA
Kristy Hollingsworth, Estela Shipping Palma SA
Book your place here: http://bit.ly/estelacaptainsbreakfast2
Yacht Crew Breakfast Seminar
Sunday 6th June, 09:00-10:30h
Personal finance for seafarers; opportunities in banking, insurance, mortgages, investing and tax planning for expats and nomads
Tom Worthington, TAM Europe
Francesca Piombo, Kingsber Property & Crew Support
Susan Worthington, Beacon Global Wealth Management
Book your place here: http://bit.ly/estelacrewbreakfast
*Please only register if you plan to attend. Seats are strictly limited due to COVID restrictions, so if you can’t come, you may deny someone else a place. We know plans change, so PLEASE cancel your booking if you won’t be attending after all. Thanks!