We would like to thank all the companies for the support and sponsorship of the End of Season Party. It was another unforgettable evening continuing into the wee hours of the morning. It was wonderful to meet many of your personally and connect names to faces, even if in disguise!
The photos are out and can be seen in the link below, and are downloadable in high-res images for your own social media so please feel free to share! We will send the video along soon!
If you would like to promote your brand, and a good cause, our next event is a charity event with all proceeds going to the charity Yachting Gives Back, that fights against hunger and poverty in Mallorca. It is a winter movie night in a lovely cinema in Palma, with food and drinks included and the screening of Napoleon to link in perfectly with the theme of the guide. Last year we had over 250 yachties in attendance, and it is a great event to promote your business to a captive audience. Please do let us know if you would like more information and we will happily pass on the details.
Similarly, for our partners planning their events and marketing budgets and schedules for 2024, please note that ESTELA’s 4th annual ‘Captains’ Dinner at the Museum’ will be held on Saturday 27th April 2024, to coincide with the Palma Superyacht Village.
In 2023, 180 guests joined us for a gala dinner at Pueblo Español, enjoying an evening of music and performance, socialising with friends and colleagues into the early hours. The photo gallery is here.
Thank you once again and we hope to see you again next year!

Many thanks to our sponsors:
Antigua Yacht Club Marina & Resorthttps://aycmarinaresort.com/marina/
Anchor Conciergehttps://anchorconciergeltd.com/
Atlante Marine Solutionshttps://www.atlantegroup.com/
FRASER/The Crew Networkhttps://www.fraseryachts.com/…/palma-de-mallorca-yacht…/
Port Tarracohttps://www.porttarraco.com/en
Swisspath Yachtinghttps://www.swisspath-yachting.com/
Superyacht Technology Networkhttps://superyachttechnologynetwork.com/show-2024/
Lanzarote Superyacht Destinationhttps://lanzarotesuperyacht.com/
Versilia Supplyhttps://www.versiliasupplyservice.com/
Calypso Yacht Carpentryhttps://calypsocarpentry.com/
Nautiel Servicehttps://www.nautiel.com/
Arash Rent-A-Carhttps://arashrentacar.com/
Radio One Mallorcahttps://radioonemallorca.com/