OFFICIAL travel information sources for crew (and non-crew)

March 2, 2021

Global travel eligibility checker: that all airlines’ policy is guided by IATA)Travel to Spain, general:For general travel to Spain: health declaration: health declaration: to Spain from the UK (any nationality):Spain/UK travel ban (in force until 31-Mar): that crew joining vessels are exempt, subject to requisite docs)UK government COVID travel guidance for Spain:…/spain/entry-requirementsBREXIT: NOTICE FOR BRITISH CREW IN SPAINPlease note the following stamping requirements, issued by Spanish immigration police today:Active British crew members already appearing on a crew list DO NOT need to visit immigration to stamp on board and out of Spain. Only when they leave the vessel either temporarily or permanently, must the crew list be updated with the authorities and passports stamped.Non-active crew members currently in Spain, not appearing on any crew list, ARE NOT required to have their passports stamped, until they join a vessel.In summary, any change in crew list involving British crew, requires a stamp*. A representative can visit immigration on crew’s behalf; they are not required to attend in person.*Except official residents of SpainSpain’s UK Travel Ban Excludes SeafarersA new BOE was issued on 1st Jan by the Spanish government, stating that crew are now exempt from the UK travel ban and should be able to fly, with all the required docs and consigning agent’s letter. Over the weekend, legitimate crew bearing all the correct documentation continued to be declined boarding, in some cases, so please note the text below, taken from the complete document linked to here:Here is the pertinent section:El último párrafo del apartado primero.1 del Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 22 de diciembre de 2020 por el que se establecen medidas excepcionales para limitar la propagación y el contagio por el COVID-19, mediante la limitación de los vuelos directos y buques de pasaje entre Reino Unido y los aeropuertos y puertos españoles, queda redactado de la siguiente manera:«La previsión establecida en este apartado no resultará de aplicación al personal aeronáutico ni al personal de tripulación de buques que sea necesario para llevar a cabo las actividades de transporte aéreo o marítimo.»Translation:The last paragraph of the first section 1 of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of December 22, 2020 establishing exceptional measures to limit the spread and contagion by COVID-19, by limiting direct flights and ships of Passage between the United Kingdom and Spanish airports and ports, is worded as follows: «The forecast established in this section shall not be applicable to aeronautical personnel or ship crew personnel who are necessary to carry out transport activities air or sea.”Do not believe stories on Facebook about crew arriving in BCN or PMI with all docs correct being turned back, but please do make sure you have ALL of the following:- Negative PCR test- Health declaration (here Boat papers (registry, crew list, proof of boat’s location)- Seaman’s Book/contract- Captain’s or management letter (requiring crew member’s presence on/by x date)- Letter from a Spanish agent (a consignatario)One piece of advice, for any yacht crew traveling anywhere. If asked, DO NOT mention the word ‘yacht’. Say ‘boat/vessel/ship’, as the exemptions are really aimed at *essential* seafarers, ie. key transport workers. Yacht crew are traveling on a loophole, because your qualifications are the same as commercial crew’s. By no interpretation of the rules are yachties ‘essential’. There have been instances (certainly in Amsterdam) of yacht crew having been turned around while transiting, on the basis that they aren’t key workers.If we can help, please email us: