WARNING: Posidonia Vandals Named and Shamed on Twitter

July 11, 2018

The Twitter feed of the Balearic Islands’ Ministry of Agriculture, the Environment and Regional Planning (CAIB) has been working overtime the past few weeks. The Ministry tracks, names and shames yachts that fall foul of the area’s strict anchoring laws, designed to protect the environment.

Posidonia seagrass is considered to be the world’s oldest organism, at some 100,000 years old, and is responsible for the beautiful, turquoise waters that we all love so much. The Balearics boasts the largest Posidonia reef anywhere in the Mediterranean, so the local authorities are, rightly, very protective of this wonder of nature.

Aware that private boat owners are mostly affluent individuals or corporations, fines for anchoring on Posidonia can be truly eye-watering, while the ultimate sanction for the most egregious offenders can include a custodial sentence!


The good news is that any fine or sanction is entirely avoidable.


As Balearic experts, Estela Shipping keep abreast of local rules and regulations, ensuring that our client Captains know to avoid anchoring in forbidden locations.

So much so, our annual superyacht handbook, ‘The Y’ 2018/19, contains an entire section on Posidonia and other regulations.

‘The Y’ is free, so to obtain your copy just drop by our office, opposite the Club del Mar Marina in Palma, or we can deliver a copy to your berth. As consignatory agents, Estela personnel are never far from the local marinas and STP.


Make sure you avoid CAIB’s daily roll-call of offenders and contact Estela Shipping before you cruise these beautiful waters.

Estela Shipping Superyacht Agency

Ave Gabriel Roca, 37 C

PO Box 415

07014 Palma de Mallorca


Phone: +34 971 722 532

Email: palma@estelashipping.net




WhatsApp Image 2018-07-11 at 15.31.25 (1)