How to attract more superyachts to YOUR location (!)

November 4, 2021



Destination Marketing to Superyachts




Promoting a shipyard, marina or destination to superyachts is hard. We know, because it’s part of what we do. The problem? Superyachts usually circulate around the same places each season. Charter yachts stick to established itineraries that are popular with clients, owners tend to be stuck in their ways, and captains are reluctant to suggest new places that aren’t tried and tested.

So, how to persuade them to try somewhere different?

We do it in several ways.

ESTELA Yachting is a superyacht agency in Palma de Mallorca, with a global network of offices and partners that connects with yacht captains, owners and managers every day. Our business is supporting captains and crew with organising their guest/boss trips and managing yard periods. They trust us to plan their itineraries and to provide interesting ideas for places to visit and things to do along the way. 




About ‘The Y Yachting Itineraries’ 


Our superyacht travel guide is produced annually, created by us expressly for captains, owners, guests and crew. The book is free, both in print and digital (here), and is the only guide of its kind.

‘The Y’ is produced annually. The book is free, both in print and digital (

We liken it to a ‘Lonely Planet’ travel book, but focused exclusively on superyacht destinations, itineraries and useful information. Its 300-page, A5 form is bookshelf friendly and its useful content ensures that it stays on the bridge, in the crew mess, and guest suites for many months. Each guide features new destinations, never cannibalising previous editions. It is published each Spring, at the start of the Mediterranean cruising season.   

Print circulation is 8,000 copies.





Distribution is by hand, in person, to yachts over 24 metres, throughout the Western and Eastern Mediterranean, the Canary Islands, the Caribbean, S. Florida, Panama and Bahamas.

We distribute in marinas, at yacht shows, at shipyards and showrooms. Our agency and partner network also hand ‘The Y’ to captains passing through their locations, amounting to thousands of copies annually.


Featured destinations


Each year, we work with partners on a feature destination, which lends a theme to the book.


Seville (Fígaro)

In the 2018/19 edition, we worked with the Port Authority of Seville, to promote the operatic city as a yacht destination, as part of a complete Andalusian itinerary.


Rome (Caligula)

For 2019/20, our feature destination was Rome, working with a number of sponsors located on the Tyrrhenian coast, using a maritime link to Emperor Caligula as our theme.


Melilla (North Africa)


For 2020/21, we collaborated with the Port Authority of Melilla, to promote the Spanish city on the coast of Morocco, as a yacht destination and a base from which to explore the North African region. 

Melilla began their campaign with a double-page advertisement in the 2019/20 edition, to promote the forthcoming feature in 2020/21, while also sponsoring ESTELA’s events throughout the year.

As a direct result of this relationship with ESTELA, Melilla is now receiving regular visits from superyachts that are clearing out of the EU, fuelling and commencing charters there.



Our proposition

As an independent agency, we work with a variety of companies, local authorities and organisations and we can be flexible about our commercial arrangements.

For 2022/23, Theme Sponsorship of ‘The Y Yachting Itineraries’ is now open, which will set the theme and featured destination, both for the book and our events in 2022. Artwork and photography will reflect the theme — from the front cover throughout the book — as well as in our email newsletters and social media.

We can promote your city or region as a destination, or as a base from which to explore new places. Not only do we promote our sponsors in print, but we do it face-to-face, with captains, fleet managers and decision makers, to ensure that they consider your location.

The earlier you commit to working with ESTELA for 2022/23, the earlier we can start promoting what you have to offer to captains and owners!


To discuss opportunities, contact Francesco Gennai on +34 638 81 68 03 or email