On-Board Health Control Certificate (SSC) now required for ALL yachts (Over 400GT) in the Balearics

September 28, 2020

Under WHO health regulations issued in 2007, the Europe-wide requirement for Ship Sanitation Certificates had been applied by Spanish authorities, until now, only to commercial vessels over 500 GT.

We have been advised by the Balearic branch of the Department for Health (‘Sanidad’) that with immediate effect, the SSC, or ‘Certificado de Control de Sanidad a Bordo’ is now a legal requirement for any yacht (over 400GT ) visiting or stationed in the Balearics .

The SSC covers items such as air, water, aircon, oil and waste systems, medical facilities, food sanitation and bathing facilities.

Each vessel must be able to present a valid SSC to Sanidad, logged on the SHIPSAN platform.

For any queries or to arrange your inspection, please contact us on palma@estelashipping.net