Global Airfreight Forwarding by ESTELA Shipping

Global Airfreight Forwarding by ESTELA Shipping

As the ESTELA Shipping name suggests, we provide worldwide freight forwarding services. But did you know we also do airfreight? Whether it is delivering spare parts to berthed or anchored vessels, or the return of spare parts, we can arrange for transportation and...

OFFICIAL travel information sources for crew (and non-crew)

OFFICIAL travel information sources for crew (and non-crew)

Global travel eligibility checker: that all airlines’ policy is guided by IATA)Travel to Spain, general:For general travel to Spain: health declaration:...

UK-flagged yachts, British crew and VAT after Brexit

UK-flagged yachts, British crew and VAT after Brexit

Brexit: UK-flagged yachts and VAT Having left the EU customs territory from the start of 2021, the UK is now considered a ‘third country’, affecting the VAT treatment of UK-flagged yachts in EU waters. Likewise, the treatment of EU-flagged yachts entering British...


As official ‘consignatario’ port agents, ESTELA is authorised to offer Cast-to-Master service. Owners and managers can send money to us by bank transfer, enabling captains to withdraw cash on demand, as and when they need it. CTM is available in all ESTELA locations....


With national lockdowns and border closures on the increase, international travel is again becoming more complicated.While seafarers are generally exempt from restrictions designed to curtail tourism, carrying a travel letter from a licensed ‘consignatario’, setting...

ESTELA opens in Lanzarote

ESTELA opens in Lanzarote

So confident of the Canaries’ potential as a superyacht destination are we, that ESTELA Shipping have now opened an office in Lanzarote! In partnership with Calero Marinas, we have appointed Monica Iren Lungard as our local representative, to support our superyacht...

Did you know that Spain now issues 90-day Schengen tourist visas?

Did you know that Spain now issues 90-day Schengen tourist visas?

Any non-European crew requiring a visa in order to fly in and join a yacht will know that Spain has not been the optimal Schengen zone country to arrive in first. Spanish authorities have in the past offered only Transit Visas with two-day validity to travel through...

Season almost over? Consider the Canary Islands this autumn, really.

Season almost over? Consider the Canary Islands this autumn, really.

September is looming into view already, signalling the final weeks of the usual Mediterranean season. But this season has been anything but ‘usual’, with many trips curtailed or cancelled altogether, due to the wretched coronavirus.So, here’s a suggestion for owners...

Need to clear out this year?

Need to clear out this year?

Looking beyond the imminent Mediterranean cruising and charter season, you may need to complete your TA and exit EU waters later this year. Consider doing this by visiting Melilla. Melilla is part of Spain, but is not in the Customs Territory of the EU (TAU) or the...